Categories Electrical Safety

Fall Electrical Safety Checklist

Space Heater, Fall Electrical Safety Checklist, Cajun Electric

Football season is here, school is back in session and the first few cold snaps are coming – all classic signs that autumn is approaching. With cooler weather and the holiday season on the way, checking your property’s electrical system is essential for ensuring your safety. Before you break out the Halloween decorations and plug in your space heaters, check out our five-step electrical safety checklist to keep you in the clear this fall.

Categories Electrical Maintenance Tips, Electrical Safety

4 Generator Safety Tips

4 Generator Safety Tips

Are you ready for hurricane season? For homeowners, it’s never too early to prepare! In Louisiana, hurricanes are most active during August and September. Characterized by high winds, heavy rain and often falling tree limbs, these severe storms cause many properties to lose electricity. The solution? Generators.