Categories Electrical Safety, Residential Electrical Services

5 Reasons You Need a Home Standby Generator

5 Reasons You Need a Home Standby Generator, Cajun Electric

When it comes to Louisiana’s hurricane season, lasting from July to November, you can never be too prepared. Whether it’s a sudden blackout caused by the storm itself or the lingering damages that prevent power from being restored, getting left in the dark is not only inconvenient but dangerous.

Though you can’t control the weather, you can control how you prepare for it. Installing a home standby generator is the best way to ensure the safety of your home and everyone in it. Start preparing for the 2023 hurricane season and see how a home standby generator can help you comfortably weather the storms.

Categories Electrical Safety, Residential Electrical Services

How to Protect the Power in Your Home

How to Protect the Power in Your Home

Keeping your home clean of transformer issues, excessive heat and overall electrical problems mean keeping your power “clean.” Unfortunately, you can’t always rely on energy companies, and “dirty power” is inevitable without taking the proper steps. Dirty power is an abnormality in the power quality delivered to a system. These high-frequency spikes can cause dangerous health and electrical issues for those living in the home. If you are experiencing electrical abnormalities, you may have dirty power in your home. Here are some of our recommended steps:

Categories Electrical Maintenance Tips, Electrical Safety, Residential Electrical Services

What You Should Know Before Installing a Home Generator

What You Should Know Before Installing a Home Generator

Tired of losing power every time a major storm hits? It might be time to install a home generator. Also known as standby generators, these powerhouses are the key to staying safe and comfortable during severe weather events. Standby generators not only keep your lights and appliances running, but they also increase the value of your home.